A Synopsis Checklist

by Shannon Donnelly

Years ago I was struggling to try and figure out how to write a synopsis. It took a lot of input from other writers, and some workshops, but I finally became comfortable with syopsis writing—and now it’s one of my favorite tools. I’m now doing my “Sexy Synopsis workshop again for Outreach International Romance Writers, but I wanted to offer up my synopsis checklist.

A synopsis is one of the most useful tools you can have. It keeps you from getting stuck. It starts you thinking about blurb and marketing copy. It can even show up flaws you might have in your plot, as in maybe the conflict really isn’t strong enough.

The checklist I developed came from looking at a bunch of synopses and from taking a lot of classes on synopsis writings. Feel free to take this list and customize for your own use. Your synopsis should ideally be under three pages but one is even better.

1. Does it cover the hero and heroine’s relevant character traits and goals in a fresh way?

2. Does it tell the scenes with the most conflicts–internal and external–for the hero and the heroine, with an emphasis on the main character’s conflict?

3. Does it offer specific dramatic scenes for the main turning points, detailing what happens, where it happens, escalating the risk to the main character’s goal, and offering harder and harder choices for the main character in each of these scenes?

4. Does it have scenes that show a developing relationship, including attraction and hero and heroine compatibility, with mention of the feelings of the characters, and also telling what is keeping a relationship from working between these two?

5. Does the story include scenes with sexual developments between the characters and how those scenes impact character conflicts, compatibilities and emotions?

6. Does it tell all characters’ motivations–including for any villain or antagonist?

7. Are the characters fresh? Are they developed by looking past cliché to what is core and specific to the characters?

8. Do the characters make choices that come from within that specific person, rather than from the writer manipulating the story? Can you say, “Yes, if I were this person, I would make this choice?”

9. Does it raise questions to keep interest going–and then provide answers to all questions raised?

10. Does it include a scene that is the climax or black moment, and make clear the resolution of the story with an ending that wraps up all story elements?

11. Does it include a strong theme that is woven into the scenes and character choices? And which is revealed strongest in the climax of the book and the character’s ultimate choice?

12. Is the voice active, with all extra words cut, and with the best possible word choices with the clearest, most concise writing possible in a tone that matches the tone of the book?

Always remember your synopsis must have the beginning, middle, and end. Never put in “and you have to read the manuscript to find out how this ends.” That’s an instant rejection from any agent or editor submission. And if you’re self-publishing, you want better blurb copy than that (and you better know how your own book ends).

About Shannon

ShannonDonnellyShannon Donnelly’s writing has won numerous awards, including a RITA nomination for Best Regency, the Grand Prize in the “Minute Maid Sensational Romance Writer” contest, judged by Nora Roberts, RWA’s Golden Heart, and others. Her writing has repeatedly earned 4½ Star Top Pick reviews from Romantic Times magazine, as well as praise from Booklist and other reviewers, who note: “simply superb”…”wonderfully uplifting”….and “beautifully written.”

She’s at work on her next Regency romance, a sequel to Lady Scandal, and will be bringing out the next book in the Mackenzie Solomon Demons & Warders Series, following up on Burn Baby Burn and Riding in on a Burning Tire.

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49 Responses to A Synopsis Checklist

  1. Laura Drake says:

    Great reminder, Shannon, thanks – I’m keeping this list. It kills me, that the part I loved doing, the query, I don’t need anymore, and the part I hated, the synopsis, I still have to do as a published author! Isn’t that just how it goes?

  2. Angela says:

    Thanks so much for the tips!

  3. Liked and reblogged on Authors PR Literary Lounge

  4. Holly Robinson says:

    This is a great checklist, Shannon. I wish I’d had it when I was writing my first synopsis–I’ll definitely pin it to the wall above my laptop for the next one!

    • SD Writer says:

      Save it to your laptop and add in or adjust things that always trip you up–you’re welcome to make this your own.


  5. Great checklist, Shannon! Keeping this one handy. 🙂

  6. Perfect timing! I have to write a dreaded synopsis. Sigh.

  7. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Fabulous checklist for authors writing the dreaded synopsis.

  8. Thanks so much for the wonderful checklist! And so timely too. I’m working on my synopsis now.

  9. What a great synopsis of the dreaded synopsis! This is a keeper, Shannon-thank you. I like to keep a long (~8 page), a short (~4 page) and a one-pager handy, but this is a great resource to check that no matter the length, the content needs to be sharp.

    • Oh that’s interesting, Julie. I usually have a short and long but my long is the 4ish page version.

    • SD Writer says:

      I usually have a one page synopsis that is very high level, a two to three page synopsis, and then a longer synopsis that really details the story out. Keeps me from having major revisions if I work out the details first.

  10. Great tips. Thanks for sharing!

  11. ericjbaker says:

    Great advice. I still hate writing synopses, but hopefully this will make it less painful when the time comes.

  12. Sharla Rae says:

    Great synopsis list Shannon. I still dread the darn things but not as much as I used too. 🙂 Thanks

  13. Shannon, this is an outline that we can keep next to us each time we tackle the dreaded synopsis. It takes time and practice to get it right, but you are sure a welcomed helper 🙂

    • SD Writer says:

      It always takes me ten to twenty drafts to get a synopsis I like. It’s easier to do a synopsis just for myself that’s all warts and flaws.


  14. jesstopper says:

    This couldn’t have come at a better time, Shannon! I don’t know what’s more difficult – starting a synopsis from scratch, or re-working a synopsis when The Powers That Be have said “make it better.” I’m dealing with the latter right now, and plan on using your points as a checklist to diagnose what I am lacking. Thanks for sharing!

    • SD Writer says:

      Oh, I’d rather rework. When there’s nothing to start with I get out the pencil and paper and start doodling ideas until I have some stuff I can run with.


  15. C. K. Crouch says:

    Thanks I hope it’s okay to keep this as a reference I have a great thing by a famous author-blank on her name now. It tells how to write long and short ones and what to put in them. It helped me when I had no clue what a synopsis even was lol.

    • SD Writer says:

      CK, my first synopsis was a horrible twenty page mess. Thankfully, another writer helped me, so it’s always nice to pass along the favor.


  16. jtailele says:

    Reblogged this on Writing Under Fire and commented:
    This pointer on writing a synopsis is so good that I must share. Thank you Shannon Donnelly

  17. jillhannahanderson says:

    What a wonderful post! I just conquered my synopsis a couple weeks ago and sent it out to the world, but I’m thinking before I send more out to agents I’m going to tweak it based on this list! Thanks much. 🙂

  18. Thanks so much Shannon. So nice of you to share what you have learned.

  19. This is a great blog. I pinned it on Pinterest as is suggested above.

  20. Reblogged this on Faith, hope, & heartwarming and commented:
    What I wish I’d read BEFORE I submitted my Killer Voices synopsis!

  21. Pingback: Saturday Summation – 12 April 2014 | It'll All Work Out

  22. Kristy says:

    Reblogged this on Sass and Madness and commented:
    One thing I always struggle with are my synopsis, and summaries. Getting the synopsis out at the start gives you a framework to hang your story on.

  23. Jenna Jaxon says:

    Reblogged this on Jenna Jaxon Romance–because passion is timeless. and commented:
    As I’m getting ready to send out a new novel to agents, the dreaded synopsis has become my nemesis once again. I thought this checklist might be helpful to some of my readers. I know it will be helpful to me. 🙂

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